حماية أصول المؤسسة وتنميتها لصالح الأجيال القادمة
Currently, LIA’s assets abroad are subject to a freeze under Security Council resolutions of 2011, which were intended to protect the assets owned by LIA.
During the revolution that occurred in 2011, the Libyan authorities requested the international community to freeze the assets of the Libyan Investment Authority for the purpose of protecting them.
Initially, the funds and financial assets owned by the Libyan Investment Authority located outside Libya were frozen on the date of Resolution No. 1970 of 2011.
However, in 2018, the scope of the freeze was expanded to include interest earned on frozen funds) under Implementation Assistance Note No. (6).
LIA is committed to implementing the sanctions regime originally designed to protect its assets.
We worked with an international consulting firm to better understand the impact of sanctions on our international portfolio of assets by examining the impact on a sample of these assets. The results indicated that there are negative effects resulting from the sanctions regime.
تعمل المؤسسة بشكل وثيق مع شركائها الدوليين، بما في ذلك لجنة العقوبات التابعة للأمم المتحدة ولجنة الخبراء لإيجاد حل مناسب لتجنب الاثار السلبية للعقوبات الدولية في ظل بقاء التجميد.
The Authority is working closely with its international partners, including the United Nations Sanctions Committee and the Panel of Experts to find an appropriate solution to avoid the negative impact of international sanctions while the freeze remains in place.
The Libyan Investment Authority seeks to adhere to the highest standards of professionalism and disclosure. It will continue to cooperate with all relevant local and international organizations in all transparency and openness.
UN Security Council Sanctions Committee
To ensure full transparency, LIA has committed to periodically sharing its progress with the Sanctions Committee and related parties, and will continue to do so through regular reporting and annual external audits and will continue to work to strengthen governance, transparency, and accountability.
The Libyan Investment Authority continues its commitment to fulfill its responsibilities as a global investment entity by following up its investment activities and ensuring their implementation in a manner that does not conflict with the sanctions regime, in force under the Security Council resolutions of 2011.
تدابير تجميد الأصول
محطات و جهود
مرت المؤسسة الليبية للاستثمار بمراحل بارزة في تاريخها فيما يتعلق بملف تجميد أصولها من قبل مجلس الأمن منذ العام 2011. وتعرضت المؤسسة للعديد من الآثار السلبية التي أثرت على خططها وإدارتها إلى درجة عن مستهدفاتها. غير أن المؤسسة لم تدخر جهداً في السعي لتحسين تلك الآثار، ومكتسبة الخبرات ومتطلعةً لإيجاد أفضل السبل لضمان تحقيق أهدافها.
دعم رئيس بعثة الأمم المتحدة للدعم في ليبيا بالقيادة الخاصة بإزالة القيود على الأصول الليبية المجمدة واستجابة المؤسسة بإصدار كتاب رقم (UNSMIL/2020/OSRSG/OC/65).
صدور مذكرة إيضاح للمساعدة على التنفيذ رقم (5) بشأن التطبيق الصحيح لأحكام القرارات المتعلقة بدفع الرسوم الإدارية المتعلقة بالأصول المجمدة.
صدور مذكرة إيضاح للمساعدة على التنفيذ رقم (6) بشأن تجميد العوائد والأرباح الأخرى على الأصول المجمدة.
صدور مذكرة إيضاح للمساعدة على التنفيذ رقم (1) بشأن عدم تجميد أصول الشركات التابعة للمؤسسة ومحفظة ليبيا أفريقيا للاستثمار.
مجلس الأمن يصدر قرارته 1973 1970 2009 لسنة 2011 م القاضية بتجميد الأصول والأموال المملوكة للمؤسسة الليبية للإستثمار بهدف حماية أصول صندوق الثروة السيتدي الليبي خلال الأحدات السياسية بتلك الفترة.
أبرز النقاط الواردة في مشروع قرار مجلس الأمن رقم 2769/ 2025
The UN Security Council Praises The Libyan Investment Authority’s (LIA) Cooperation with the Panel of Experts.
The security council commends The LIA’s fruitful cooperation with the Panel of experts, encouraging the LIA to further enhance its efforts and improvement in reporting accurate consolidated financial statements in accordance with international standards, including the subsidiaries’, as outlined in the resolution
Welcoming the Libyan Investment Authority’s (LIA) increasing cooperation with the Panel of Experts and calling on the LIA to continue to improve its efforts to offer accurate consolidated financial statements in accordance with international standards and to provide financial statements of its subsidiaries
Welcoming the LIA’s Efforts in Enhancing Transparency and Financial Accountability
The Security Council welcomes the LIA’s exerted efforts in enhancing transparency and compliance by leveraging specialised international accounting and auditing firms to provide accurate financial statements that adhere to International standards. Moreover, the Council encourages the LIA to continue these efforts for the benefit of the Libyan people, as outlined in paragraph 15 of the resolution .
Welcomes the LIA’s efforts to enhance transparency and compliance by working with international accounting and auditing firms to provide accurate audited consolidated financial statements in accordance with international standards, requests the LIA to continue these efforts and to further improve the accuracy and comprehensiveness of its investment plan, risk management policy and asset allocation guidelines, clarifying data inaccuracies and inconsistencies and addressing conflict of interest issues, and requests the Panel of Experts to provide an updated assessment of the LIA’s updated investment plan in their final report
The UN Security Council calls for Member States to Safeguard the Frozen Assets
In accordance to paragraph 17 of resolution 1970 (2011), the Security Council emphasises the importance of preserving the frozen assets in order to be available in the future for the benefit of the Libyan people. It emphasize that the aim of the freezing measures is to preserve their value, and calls for all Member States to ensure their preservation and prohibit any illegal misuses, as outlined in paragraph 13 of the resolution( Emphasises that assets frozen pursuant to paragraph 17 of resolution 1970 (2011) shall at a later stage be made available to and for the benefit of the Libyan people, further emphasises that the asset freeze measures are intended to be protective, and calls upon all relevant Member States to protect frozen assets for the future benefit of the Libyan people, including by preventing misuse and misappropriation of frozen assets)
International Support to Improve the Asset Managements
The UN Security Council calls on member states and relevant financial institutions to cooperate with the LIA by enhancing the exchange of any information related to the frozen assets, which will contribute in improving their managements in accordance with international best practices, as outlined in paragraph 16 of the resolution
Urges Member States to minimise the risk of asset diversion, misappropriation and non-compliance with the asset freeze, and to ensure that the asset freeze is complied with, and encourages Member States and relevant financial institutions to cooperate with the LIA by providing relevant information regarding their frozen assets, as appropriate and applicable
Reconsidering the Freezing Measures to Avoid Harming the Frozen Assets
In response of the exerted efforts, the UN security council has decided to permit the LIA to invest its frozen cash reserves in low-risks time deposits with selected financial institutions while remaining under freeze, and to reinvest accumulated cash returns with investment fund managers ,while keeping these returns under freeze. The resolution also provides for a review of the remaining provisions of the LIA’s short term investment plan ;which was submitted in early 2024 , during the coming period, as stated in paragraph 14 of the resolution ( Welcomes the recommendations by the Panel of Experts in its final report (S/2024/914) on possible actions that could enable the reinvestment of the LIA’s frozen assets for the purpose of preserving their value and benefiting the Libyan people at a later stage)
فتح قنوات التواصل و الاتصال مع لجنة العقوبات
إحاطة لجنة العقوبات باستراتيجية المؤسسة للتحول.
رصـد الآثـار السـلبية لنظـام تدابيـر تجميـد الأصـول، وفتح النقاش مع لجنة العقوبات بالخصوص.
لجنـة العقوبـات تصـدر إجـراءات لحمايـة أصـول المؤسسـة (رفض استخدام أصول المؤسسة من أطراف أخرى).
متابعة استراتيجية التحول والشفافية.
إبـراز جهـود المؤسسـة فـي اسـتراتيجية التحـول الخاصـة بالمراجعـة والتدقيـق والشـفافية، وحـث لجنـة العقوبـات علـى السماح للمؤسسة بإعادة استثمار أصولها.
مجلس الامن الدولي يصدر قرار بالسماح للمؤسسة الليبية للاستثمار بإعادة إستثمار اصولها المجمدة .